It was a lovely feeling being on the road again. The weather couldn't have been better. I left Surrey at 7 am and was in Kamloops by half past ten for a breakfast stop. Impressed with my fast progress, I took another break at Clearwater, one of the gateways to Wells Gray Park.
Soon the Rockies started to come into view behind the more pedestrian-looking wooded hills I was driving through. It had been a few years, and I was staggered once again by their beauty.
I've noticed that each time I see something after an absence, I notice something new. This time it was the slanted grains of some of the rocky layers. Seeing the evenly rounded shapes that turned back on themselves like whipped egg white in a bowl, I tried to imagine how the rock and muddy soil reared up from the earth's molten core. It must have been an impressive sight.
The Rockies are a young range, as revealed by the sharpness of their edges.
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