Saturday, September 22, 2018

The horoscope lady struggles on, along with the rest of us

Zodiac image from NewsNow

It's been awhile since my last update on the horoscope lady. Disclaimer: I'm not revealing her identity. Though her challenges may be very public, she'll retain her privacy.

This character assessment is based on the psychological principle called projection. These days, some call it mirror work: the flaws that annoy you in others are those you share. Fortunately, that goes for good points too.

Telltale words and phrases suggests the writer of our daily horoscope has yet to overcome her tendency to be disorganized. Her advice to readers reveals that she herself needs a whole year to devote to planning, putting things where she can find them, and developing a more structured routine. In this vein, she recommends taking on new responsibilities to "improve your life."

Her use of language points to the fact that she's still too easily led. An example of self-talk is "Stick to your boundaries," as is the warning not to settle for something that "doesn't sit right with you." She advises readers to stay in control, avoid the temptation to be a follower, and stop letting others confuse you or make you feel insecure. She warns too of the risk entailed by trying to fit in; acting out of obligation allows others to impose. This theme returns in the explicit warning against "letting others get involved in your business." Clearly the voice of experience.

Sadly, she's still a bit of a spendthrift, as revealed by her dire warnings against making "a financial mistake." This theme is repeated in the advice to save money rather than "buying something you don't need." A related flaw is attention-seeking behaviour, an unfortunate tendency to exaggerate in order to grab the spotlight. She castigates herself and her readers with the caution to "stick to the rules," and promises that patience and persistence will eventually result in "getting ahead."

Fortunately, her health is improving. While we see many exhortations to develop good long-term habits and avoid grabbing for immediate results, the old addictions seem to have abated. In her current phase, she's prepared to "embark on a new and healthier routine." Indeed, she states outright: "Take care of your health." To achieve improvement on the mental and emotional front, she also advises the reader to broaden awareness, gain perspective, and seek peace of mind.

It's heartwarming to see her taking her courage in both hands, inviting readers to embark on personal growth by trying "something new," and "exploring unfamiliar territory." It's also good to see her making relationships a priority, as evidenced by her willingness to help those who need her "without complaining." Touting the benefits of considering "what you can do for others," she also promotes the value of "living up to your promises," and hopes helping others will "bring good fortune."

On the whole, there's nothing wrong with the horoscope lady that the rest of us don't share. It's called the human condition. But it's nice to see her moving into more positive territory as she focuses on taking responsibility, building self-confidence and showing "strength and courage."

On the principle that what you see in others is what you are, I hold great hope that after years of struggling with self-control, money and relationship issues, this mysterious yet very public figure is moving into a more mature and satisfying phase of her life.

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