The fragrance of the roses and mock orange that I've brought in waft their delicious scents through the house with its open windows.
In the front boxes, bright coloured dahlias, mini-carnations and gerbera daisies are giving their best. Sitting on the back deck this afternoon, I enjoyed bursts of fragrance from pot plants chosen especially for their scents: Stargazer lilies, Hidcote lavender and Eternal Fragrance daphne. In the back garden, the purple yarrow is beginning to flower, and the hydrangeas are well along too.
It was 9:45 pm when I finally decided the evening light was getting too dim to read, and came in.
Yesterday, another bright evening of high summer, I walked with a friend from Sunset Beach into Stanley Park.
Of course the seawall along English Bay was crowded with people. It was also bristling with lush greenery, including some hardy but tropical looking European fan palms.
Yes, summer is sweet, and all the more appreciated after a coolish spring.
Sweeter still is the sense of spaciousness gained by having plenty of free time.
(Back to Ireland posts tomorrow.)
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